Worship Service - 10 AM God bless you!
Worship Service - 10 AM God bless you!
As members of the First Baptist Church in Hope Valley, Rhode Island, we profess our belief in God as our Father, in the divine leadership of Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord, and in the inspiration of the Holy Spirit as our Comforter and Guide.
We now enter this covenant with God and with one another and we will strive to live as followers of Jesus, taking His spirit as the dynamic of the Christian life.
Believing in the church as the living expression on earth of the cause of Christ, we acknowledge its claim upon our loyalty and devotion. We pledge to support its services of worship through our attendance, and its program by our personal services and regular financial contribution, as far as our ability permits.
Believing in the sufficiency of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of Jesus we pledge ourselves to bear witness to the power of that Spirit in our lives and to aid in proclaiming those teachings throughout the whole world.
Believing in the possibility and necessity of developing Christian character, we pledge ourselves to seek such development through Bible reading, prayer, and personal service as well as attendance upon public worship.
Believing in the necessity of a Christian community, we pledge ourselves to strive to know the mind of Jesus in all our relationships, and so to live as to bring about a Christian social order.
First Baptist in Hope Valley
1059 Main Street, (PO Box 326)
Hope Valley, Rhode Island 02832
(401) 539-7553 FBHVsecretary@verizon.net
Copyright © 2020 First Baptist Hope Valley - All Rights Reserved.